The inverted navel piercing is simply the traditional navel piercing with a sexy and subtle twist. The jewellery goes through the bottom flap of skin on your belly button instead of the top. Due to its placement, the inverted navel piercing has a more interesting and unique look to it. It's a sexy and eye-catching look that you’ll love to show off when you're wearing a crop top or when you're going for a swim. While inverted navel piercings look phenomenal on their own, you can also get it to complement your top navel piercing for a sexy double navel piercing!
Inverted Belly Button
Inverted Belly Button

The inverted navel piercing has a different look that's equal parts sexy and eye-catching. You'll love showing it off!
Inverted Belly Button
The inverted navel piercing is simply the traditional navel piercing with a sexy and subtle twist. The jewellery goes through the bottom flap of skin on your belly button instead of the top. Due to its placement, the inverted navel piercing has a more interesting and unique look to it. It's a sexy and eye-catching look that you’ll love to show off when you're wearing a crop top or when you're going for a swim. While inverted navel piercings look phenomenal on their own, you can also get it to complement your top navel piercing for a sexy double navel piercing!