If you're looking to get a sexy and potentially titillating genital piercing, definitely go for a triangle piercing. Located just below the clitoris, this piercing is named after the triangular shape that the area has. During sexual activity, the jewellery applies pressure to the underside of the clitoral shaft which can lead to immense pleasure for some. A triangle piercing just looks really good too, especially as a fun surprise with a new partner. Triangle piercings aren't for everyone though, as you need to have the right anatomy for it. Consult with your piercing artist first to find out if this piercing is right for you.
Triangle Piercing
Triangle Piercing

Triangle piercings can potentially heat things up in the bedroom, and they look great too. Surprise yourself and your partner!
Triangle Piercing
If you're looking to get a sexy and potentially titillating genital piercing, definitely go for a triangle piercing. Located just below the clitoris, this piercing is named after the triangular shape that the area has. During sexual activity, the jewellery applies pressure to the underside of the clitoral shaft which can lead to immense pleasure for some. A triangle piercing just looks really good too, especially as a fun surprise with a new partner. Triangle piercings aren't for everyone though, as you need to have the right anatomy for it. Consult with your piercing artist first to find out if this piercing is right for you.